Seriously, I've been considering this for awhile now, knowing full well that there is no way that I'm going to slow down, or stop but I do think that knitting might actually have an ill effect on my overall health and well being. Here you go-you decide:
1. Since my love affair with Ravelry began about two years ago, I have put on 16-20 lbs. Why? B/c of great exposure to so many new patterns that I instantly fall in love with, my knitting/surfing ravelry time has me sitting on my arse way more than I used to.
2. I sit and knit any chance I get. This results in a big arse, laundry piled high, housecleaning overlooked and all of this, in turn, throws off my psyche. As I type, I've got a pile of laundry looking at me, but you don't see me signing off yet, do ya?
3. I would rather sit with a cup of tea and knitty goodness than go for a run these days...not good for the above mentioned ever-growing arse....
4. I've got ADHD when it comes to knitting patterns and lately can get easily distracted. Startitis is strong problem right now as I usually am not like this but right now, I've got atleast 6 projects on the needles and more in my head...
So....what to do?
Any ideas??
Hoping to change the arse bit next week when I join a gym and commit to working out for 1-2hrs while my youngest is in preschool-can you believe by staying in the area of her preschool instead of driving home, even with my gym membership, I'll still be saving $$ that would be wasted in gas$?? Cool!!!
As far as the cleaning/housework/laundry...I'm out of ideas...Folding clothes and vacuuming doesn't hold a candle to yarny good times. While I do know that a little bit here, a little bit there does help to fix my household state of disarray, it could really use a thorough dusting and cleaning...but then there are those 6+ projects....
Easter Bunny Scrapbook Printables Collection
6 hours ago