the world of yarn, what have I been up to?
I've been crocheting up a storm!! Finished off another pair of booties and I've twerked so many patterns here and there, I'm thinking that I should probably just write out what I've been doing so that I can do it again. I also have been printing out a billion-I want-this-now patterns, including a few that I purchased from Etsy. Among them are these:
1. Petit Chou yet another cute bootie pattern-this one is knit
2. Stitch Diva Studios-to make the Evening bag with my one skein of Lousa Harding's sari ribbon yarn...and some grecian headbands for the girls...
3. Oma House Slippers-really hoping this pattern is a good one so that I can make some cute slippers for all of the girls in my life! Also bought her Pleated bag pattern and completed it-it is TERRIFIC!! I will definitely make more for gifts and am hoping to make a larger one for my mom's birthday....
4. Shetland Shorty-b/c this little wrap is so cute for summer-I want one in many colors!! Can be found on summer o8
5. Coachella-I made one of these last summer and am hoping to make one again using Louisa Harding's Fauve yarn-I've got a bag of it sitting here staring at me. I've had that darn bag almost a year-needs to be used soon....
Now-I know, I already have projects on tap like the girls summerlin dresses (cast on but didn't go that far yet-I got distracted) and the clapotis (yawn for right now) but I have knitting ADD for sure-just ask my husband...he gets me...
What I have noticed is the pull of the crochet hook lately....I feel like crocheting more than knitting (GASP) I really NEVER thought that could or would happen to me but it is.....Crochet is just so fun and summer friendly I believe, b/c of it's airy-ness in the stitches and the fact that it really is so much faster! Where knitting tends not to really show off cottons to the best of its abilities, crochet does-those tight little single crochet stitches are addictive!! So, right now, I am experiencing the push and pull of knitting vs. crochet.....we'll see which needlecraft reigns soon enough!!
Easter Bunny Scrapbook Printables Collection
11 hours ago
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