since I was here. Way too much has been happening for me to be able to keep up with it all on here, so I will give in snippets.
As for knitting, still plugging along with the clapotis, but other teeny, instant gratification-I-need-a-gift-in-a-few-hours projects have popped up and in the way. I also managed to knit up a shop sample for the LYS, 4 Corners of Artful Living (which is now called 4 Corners Yarn shop) in Narrowsburg, NY. I did the Anthro-inspired capelet, basically b/c it's been in my queue forever, I had pretty bulky yarn to use up and show off for the shop and it was a quick two nights of TV knitting to bang out that baby. Nice!! I added a quick crochet brooch to the collar that can be taken off and voila!-Sample done!
I did another pair of Saartje's booties for a friend who had a baby girl-came out cute with little daisy buttons, and also managed to squeak out a crocheted clutch. All the clutch needs is the silk lining that I plan on sewing into it to keep items from slipping out of my single crochet stitches. A little tidbit on the silk.....cutting up a HUGE silk, beaded poncho that I splurged on while pregnant with my 2nd child. This poncho is maternity so it has a lot of fabric to it and it is in such a cool pattern, it had to be used for something good!!! Will post a pic of the finished product as soon as I'm done. The pattern was a freebie from LionBrand and I used cotton-ease....
Now-to vent for a sec....
I approached the powers that be in my private community about teaching a knitting course for kids this summer. Wrote up the entire course-what would be covered, what would be accomplished, hoping to validate why I would charge the fee that I said for the week-long, 2 hour a day course....heard nothing back from them for the last two weeks. I honestly was just getting over the fact that they didn't want me to do it, when my mother calls up to tell me that it is posted in the community newspaper as "Crochet Boot Camp" for kids-what??? Now we all know, only someone not versed in the needlearts could screw up the word crochet with knitting, but what adds insult to injury is that I gave them all of that stuff and they obviously didn't read it. When I spoke to a woman on the phone about it, she said, "Oh Honey, the young moms here-all they wanna do is sit on the beach with their kids and do nothin' all summer-they don't want to knit"-nice....Did she not remember that I AM a young mother and I am offering this to them?? Ugh....why did I bother??
Ok-that's enough of that-hey-anyone see the CUTE bags from hockeyknittingmom on etsy? She's awesome-really mixes fabrics, GOOD FABRICS, nicely!! Check her out...
Ok-hubby's home now-time to cuddle. Enough said.
Easter Bunny Scrapbook Printables Collection
12 hours ago
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