So this is where I was last weekend....beautiful Southern Vermont! Went up for the long weekend with hubby and the girls to stay with closest friends and we had a great time!! Much eating and much knitting, thanks to a stop at the Black Sheep Yarn Shop in Dorset, Vermont. Now, I have been to many an LYS, so imagine my surprise when I encountered at least 4 of the nicest, friendliest women, all wanting to help me-yet not too pushy where I wanted to run right out! Cute shop! Great selection of yarns-they had the shop arranged by weight of yarn, which I like-all worsted in one place, all bulky in another, sock yarns all gathered together...it was wonderful. I even managed to find some local yarn (I'm a sucker for local yarn-especially when on vacation) in a bulky weight! Really pretty pale blue yarn-don't know what it will become but I'm thinking a hat for my fair-haired little girl...we'll see...
I wanted something mindless to knit while watching the ridiculous movie, "Social Network" so I picked up some Plymouth Baby Alpaca Grande yarn in a creamy, caramel color and a slipper sock pattern, some size 6 double points and now I have a souvenier from the weekend! We did get out of the house-we went ice-skating, shopping at the bookstore in Manchester, and the LYS, but for the most part, we stayed in. So, this project was the perfect way to remember the trip! And all of it was completed this week (should have been a weekend completion but I caught a wicked cold and was out of commission the whole darn right home in the car-5 wasted hours!!! Ugh)
Pics to come of this great yarn and that local bulky beauty...