Ok-so I'm a bit of a procrastinator...have been since elementary school and quite frankly, I'm positive this fault of mine is the sole reason why I haven't done really much with my crafty skills....I never seem to have enough focus to drive myself into success. I'm always getting distracted by people or things (mostly knitterly things) and this is why for at least 5 years now, I have felt like time has stood still as far as me moving ahead with my knitting/craft goals and dreams.
Case in point-this past week, while I should've been working on the summer top that I'm designing for a knitting magazine (with a MARCH deadline!), I chose instead to waste umpteen hours on the internet, reading blogs, searching endlessly for cheap flights to disneyworld (to no avail-I really think they don't exist b/c idiot parents like myself can justify spending $400 roundtrip per person for "memories."), etc. Then on a cold Monday, while walking my daughter to the bus stop, I noticed the bus driver lady holding her hands like they hurt. She had a cute little lap blanket on but that was all. She doesn't wear a coat, just a sweatshirt and I wonder why? Then, I thought of my emergency-car knitting project that has been in my car for at least 2 years. I put it in there, in case I forgot my knitting on a family car ride to or from NJ to PA or from PA to NJ. I used to knit it when bored in the car line at my daughter's school. But it never got finished. The project was Fetching http://knitty.com/ISSUEsummer06/PATTfetching.html
I decided right then and there that I would whip up the other mitt and give them to the bus driver lady so that she could still grip the wheel when driving my precious daughter and stay warm! My husband thinks I'm nuts, but I love to spring unexpected knitted gifts onto complete strangers! Hope she likes them!!!
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