Slow. as. molasses!!! Yet busy, somehow. I decided, over our very long winter, to start up and run a "Knitter's Camp" for kids at my daughter's school this summer. The camp starts up in two weeks and I've been furiously knitting up quick samples to show the girls to get them excited about it. We're going to be making our own knitting needles and designing our knitting bags to start. We'll learn finger knitting, knit, purl, cast on and bind off. The girls will be making bookmarks, bracelets, dishcloths, headbands and ipod holders. They have many choices so of course, I have to have many samples.....
Then, of course, I have my summer knitting project-this time of year, I always need a quick, mindless project to work on during my girls' swim practices/meets. This time, it's a cowl, using a terrific cotton tape yarn, who's name escapes me (I will post a pic as soon as I locate the camera). The yarn is smooth and cool and so nice to knit with in the hot stickiness of summer days.
And let us not forget that one of these days, I'll have to finish up my design for Knitcircus, using Malabrigo Twist, the most sumptious yarn ever!!! Too bad my head isn't into that right now with all this summer stuff going on!?! Must get my focus back soon-I've got work to do!!
Women’s History Month Game for Kids
21 hours ago
Good luck with the camp!
Thanks so much, Ria!! The kids are so excited!!!
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