Yes, here is the cover shot for Knitcircus' Summer Issue-isn't that shawl pretty??? There are so many gorgeous patterns in this issue-be sure to check out the magazine online tomorrow at www.knitcircus.com
I will be doing a giveaway to 3 lucky winners here tomorrow too so come back and leave a comment on what you think about the mag, the patterns, my Isis pattern, etc., and you'll be entered to win. Enter a comment as many times as you wish! Good luck!
Don't forget the Isis KAL will begin tomorrow as well! Check out the Knitcircus group on Ravelry for the latest post tomorrow to get the details. This is going to be so fun!!
I actually clicked on your etsy ad at Knit Circus. Your jewelry is gorgeous!
The Isis top is really pretty! I love that it can be worn with jeans or with something more dressy!
Dorothy-you made my night!! Thanks for taking a peek at my shop and for your very kind words!! Hope you'll join us over in Ravelry for the Knitcircus Isis KAL (in the knitcircus group)-can't wait!!
Hmmmm, I'm driving through VT next weekend, and plan on hitting a few yarn shops - maybe I will join!
Vt? I love Vt!!! GReat state! Full of LYS's that are wonderful!! Have a great trip!!
The KAL is ongoing this summer-so no rush...join us when you come back! Take care,
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