Well, this, for one! Yes-as my daughter put it-we did a "science experiment" for St. Patrick's Day. We made home-made shamrock decorations to hang up around the house and I bought some inexpensive white carnations that we dyed with green food coloring added to the water. Pretty cool, right? I did this in second grade for my elementary school's science fair and I still haven't tired of the results!
So, what else?? Besides knitting little 6 inch squares for an upcoming knitting class that I'm taking, not much knitting is going on. I'm honestly sick of knitting these and I've got at least 7 more to go, but I know it will be for a good reason-this class is going to be good!! I keep dreaming of everything else that I want to knit though, including the following: 2 dresses for the girls for spring/summer (in my queue on Ravelry)-I can't wait to purchase the fabric for these as I'm going to pick something colorful and funky-my girls can surely pull that off!!, a wrap that I just queued up on Ravelry-something light and airy but warm enough for cool spring days...and a charity handbag for my daughter's school's casino night. Hoping to knit that one by 4/18?? We'll see...
On other news, I created something new for my etsy shop that I'm really proud of. I love it when I can repurpose something, especially for knitting and that is exactly what was done with my Recycled Wire Hanger stitch holders. Because of my upcoming class that I'm taking and the fact that I have to have 18 6 inch squares held on stitch holders, I was tired of running to Ac Moore and buying more and more stitch holders. I also loathe my husband's wire hangers from the dry-cleaners and one day, when I was putting away laundry in our closet, I got an idea!! I could make wire stitch holders from my hangers!! Yay!! We have so many that I have decided to sell these at www.yarnygirl.etsy.com It makes me so happy to see these wire hangers finally put to good use! No more wire hangers in our closet!! Now they are for knitting!!! So, check 'em out-they're in the shop!!
Ok-gotta run! Enough for now-more pics to come in my next post....maybe...:0)
Arrrrrgh!!!! Those stitch holders are a stroke of genius!!! I am totally ordering one with my yarny word stitch markers. Oh, and I think I need a skein key chain too! :)
Yeah, I think I will go do that now.
PS - Miss you!
Thanks Amber!!! Can't wait for you to get your order-sorry it took me so long to respond to this message-we've been busy!-and not in a fun way...:0(
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