Just got back from some good 'ol fun in Vt and among other things, got to go to an indoor farmers market that had a whole lotta...yarn!!! There was even a woman spinning there-it was great. I wore my Ingenue sweater (thank God too b/c it's cold up in Vt!) and got to feel up some good local fiber-there was shetland wool and alpaca spun in various widths and hand-dyed in lovely colorways-esp. an oceany blue/green of 270 yards-that one really tempted me...BUT-I really must have more than enough yarn at home b/c I didn't.buy.a.thing. Can you believe it???
I knit away at my Dad's MIKEY Cap-a present for his birthday, and got a bit more on the debbie bliss 9 to 5 cardi. Then, I got stumped...You see, I've modified the DB pattern to be seamless at the sides but forgot what to do when I got to the armpits??? This stumped me-frustrated me, to the point that I had to rip out 4 rows of what I'd done and start all over. I even mulled it over in bed and woke up this morning, still trying to figure out what was the best thing to do. Well, I'm going to bind off 6 stitches at the armpits, put it away and start on the sleeves and once I finish the sleeves to the point where they need to be attached, I will reattach them to the body, and just keep knitting-should work right? Feel free to weigh in here...would love other ideas if you've got 'em...
I may even sneak in the hat while I bang away at the sleeves-who knows??
Now, to locate some nice dark brown silk for the lining of Dad's hat....maybe etsy??
Also on the back burner, desperately waiting to get cookin' is Trina....my Trina, to be done in Cascade's Sienna Quattro yarn in yellow....I can't wait to do this one but I've got a few projects before I can even CO for this-AND I want them all done by my birthday in April....Man, I think I've got knitting ADD.....I just can't focus on one project at a time....
Speaking of birthdays...Happy Birthday, Amber!!! If you haven't checked out her blog, she's great!-she's in my blog list that I read and she's also got a GREAT etsy shop that sells handmade soapy goodness and other lovely items...check her out!!
Ok-more knitting to do....
You are so sweet!!!! Thanks for the birthday shout-out. :D
So, so jealous of your VT trip -- especially the flea market with all the yarn! We have an awesome indoor farmers market/flea market only twenty miles from us, but no yarn there... :(
Hello Friend!! Read your blog and saw that it was your birthday on Thurs-hope you had a great one!! Love reading your blog-I feel like we're still in touch this way-such busy moms that we are!! By the way, your boys are so gosh darn cute.
It was a nice one. Then I had a small get together on Saturday with some family and friends (and got to show off my new house to a few people who haven't seen it yet) and that was great. :D
Blogging has kept me in touch with a lot of people. And now I am on Ravelry A LOT again (and Facebook) and I feel like I never have to wonder how my friends are doing because I get to "talk to them" all the time! :D
And thank you! My boys are getting so big I can't believe it. :(
If you're still not certain about the "what to do at the armpit" question..... binding off 6 stitches was good. And when you finish your sleeves, put six stitches on waste yarn at the underarm as well to graft together with those six from the body. Voila... you're ready to go forth and knit the decreases/yoke. :)
Happy Knitting!!
Thanks Laura!!! That's just what I'm going to do!! Yay!
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