for our family, that is. I mean Santa came and all, but I don't recall much since I was "praying to the porcelain gods" quite early on Christmas morning-and no, it wasn't from too much egg nog!! I wish!!
My oldest daughter got croup on the Thursday before Christmas and kept a fever of 102 through until the day before Christmas Eve-when my youngest took it from her and has since had a fever. Both have unbelievably bad coughs and congestion and b/c I felt so bad for them, through all of my comforting and consoling, I managed to get it as well. Oh, did I mention that this also came with a weird sort of pink eye too? The nurse practioner swears that this doesn't require antibiotics b/c it is just from all of the congestion, but if you were to see my daughter's eyes, you'd rush her over there for some tobromacyn for sure!! So far, hubby, who has been a saint through all of this, has been spared, but since our luck isn't the best, we're thinking he'll get it right before New Year's....b/c of course, we're planning to have our BFF's over. Nice...
Now for knitting! Well, this sickness and loss of the usual Christmas visiting/plans has made way for a lot of sitting and knitting. I've been sitting around so much that my tush is sore! I've managed to stop cursing the retrofit sweater that was supposed to be THE GIFT of all gifts for the DH, and I picked up the needles to finallly finish the shopping tunic that I started in April and put into hibernation. Here it is...
This is THE SWEATER that broke my holiday knitting spirit! Notice the LACK of stitch definition-that is b/c, oh yes, it is felted!! Can it be saved?? We'll see....(more notes on Ravelry on my projects page about this bad boy-I just can't bring myself to type it all out again) and...the project that brought back my knitting mojo:

Ok for some pics...
This is my Christmas loot! Oh-forgot to mention the way-cool game called Mancala that hubby and I are addicted to! Love it! When we're all better, we're going to lug it over to the coffee shop for coffee and gaming...
This is the bracelet from Sassafras Creations on Etsy-I LOVE IT!!!
Misc. catchup since I haven't blogged in awhile (due to broken holiday knitting spirit-it is all connected for me...)
These are my special White Chocolate Cranberry Almond cookies-I made the first batch for the Scranton sit-n-knit group and since have made two more batches for Christmas cookie gifting! Amber of Ambersambry posted a game of tag where you show a pretty picture of something on your blog and then show what you cropped out. Finally, I'm getting around to playing this tag! See what a ridiculous amount of free-time-due-to-sickness can do for my blog?? haha!
This is what the kitchen really looked like:
And again, with my beautiful winterberries for my dining room centerpiece (I love these-they're my favorite part of winter!)
Thank goodness for cropping!!
Well, I hope all of you had a wonderful, germ free holiday! And I hope we all have a Happy, Healthy 2009~~ Happy Knitting!
Ohhhh, I am so sorry about all the sickness :(
But what a great post! I am heading over to Ravelry RIGHT NOW to check out that tunic because I need one!!! And I think I have some yarn that would be perfect for it!
I'm sure I'm forgetting to comment on something, but I must go to Ravelry now...
Oh I hope you knit it up-it's great!!! I loved knitting it-if you need any help-just ask!! Can't wait to see you-miss ya!
Oh my goodness! So sorry to hear that it has been the holiday from...well.
Great projects though - can't wait to see the finished ice wreath!
oh hope all are on the mend by now.. at least you have knitting therapy to get you through
wow you got some good Xmas gifts..You will like your Knit Picks..Where do they knit in Scranton? I went to shop yesterday and saw your pretty markers.
Happy New Year!!
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